We deliver our organic soil conditioners to you reliably, flexibly and free of cost using our own in-house logistics system. These are used mostly in agriculture, but also in gardening and landscape architecture or in the substrate and fertilizer industry. You substitute mineral fertilizers, thereby reducing your costs. This forms networks, thereby contributing to your success.
Turf is a very old organic product. You are a manufacturer of soils, horticulturalist, landscaper, active in a nursery or you manufacture potting soil? All types of turf such as white peat, brown peat, coloured peat and black peat are ideally suited for this. We supply you with your turf on request free delivery in whole loads.
Turf fibres
This is screened after the turf has been cut. An interesting material, called “turf fibres”, occurs as a residual product. Above all, they are suitable for plantation operators, in order to bring structure into their soils and to positively influence the pH-value of the soil. We also supply you with turf fibres on request free delivery in whole loads.
The term champost (also known as mushroom earth or spent mushroom substrate) refers to a substrate which is generated in the professional growing of mushrooms. Champost has a high organic material content and is an ideal moisturiser. Thanks to champost, you can enjoy an improvement in the structure and nutrition of your soils. We supply you with your champost on request free delivery in whole loads.