Really tough reasons why we are your partner for timber mill secondary products
You would like to have a partner who can supply you with very different natural and timber mill secondary products? Gladly! We can provide you with various, secure qualities via our broad network of suppliers. The relevant transport service, even in the case of demanding tasks, are carried out by our in-house logistics department.
More reliable
You would like to have year-round secure removal or delivery in the case of seasonal fluctuations? Then simply get in touch with us! On the basis of our broad access to the market, we are able to support you successfully in your tasks and to fulfil our obligations to you.
More experienced
You ask yourself which products are most suited for your job or if there are alternative products? Then ask us. We will be glad to provide you with consultation on the basis of our comprehensive knowledge of the market and our experience. We can find the optimum materials for your use in terms of price Performance.
More liquid
On request, we pay your invoices immediately upon receipt. We have a trustworthy rating with the known commercial credit insurers such as Hermes, Atradius, Coface as well as with the Creditreform information Office.

Tina Bammann
Sales timber mill secondary products