Content included in the online service
The information, addresses and images which have been published by the website operator have been very carefully researched. However, no guarantees can be given for their correctness. The information and the images are solely to be used as personal information for the user. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, processed using electronic systems, duplicated or distributed without the express written permission of the publisher. Names of products and companies are used without a guarantee of a free use. The website operator expressly reserves the right to change, delete or discontinue the publication of pages, individual offers or the entire range of offers temporarily or permanently without providing special notice. Current developments may result in the fact that the documents/information have become outdated without any changes being made to the documents/information that have been made available. All offers are without engagement and are non-binding.
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The websites, their programming, content, design and structure are subject to copyright law, trademark law and protective rights in terms of competition law. Copyright notices and brand names may neither be changed nor removed. The reproduction, circulation, storage for the retrieval or the offer of online access (inclusion in other websites) concerning our websites, the layout of the websites, their content (texts, images or programs) in part or in full, in a form which has or has not been altered is only permitted with the prior written consent of the operator of the website. Only non-commercial, private use is permitted within the limits set down by the copyright law.
References and links
Any content from websites which are accessed through links from this site may change without the knowledge of the website operator. For this reason we disassociate ourselves from the content and the design of sites which can be accessed through the links and which have been changed after the links were included and we shall take no responsibility if these contravene any laws / regulations or similar. The opinions represented by linked pages may or may not reflect our opinions, even if they comply with all laws and regulations.
Services (AVV search and freight cost calculator)
The website operator provides a variety of services on its web presence, in particular a free search function for the German List of Waste Ordinances (AVV) and a freight cost calculator. Liability cannot be accepted for any information provided in the AVV search and the freight cost calculator, although it has been complied with the greatest possible care. Printing and typesetting errors, mistakes and changes are reserved. We do not accept any liability for the accuracy of the results provided. The freight cost calculation is merely intended as initial orientation and guidance. Users are not legally entitled to availability of the service. The website operator is not liable for damage incurred through use of the AVV search or the freight cost calculator. This disclaimer of liability does not apply to damage caused by gross negligence or culpable intent on the part of legal representatives or vicarious agents of the website operator. Moreover, it does not apply to damages arising from injuries to life, limb and health.